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May 2 2011 1 02 /05 /May /2011 08:39

Finding old friends online is so much easier today with all the social networking sites and technological advances that we have grown accustomed to. Whether it's a pal from the army or whether you want to find a mate that you knew from the old schools you attended, it's not hard at all to form a reunion online. This article gives you tips as to how to get reunited online.

Choosing Social Networking Sites

When you are ready to look for friends online, you may want to start with social networking sites.


Facebook is the most popular venue to find someone you want to get reunited with. You can search by name or e-mail address and then further your search by adding in a location, school or association. Once you find them, you can send a message to your friend. If their page isn't set to private settings, you can read information about them or view their wall posts and photos.


MySpace was once the leader in social networking and while it may have lost some momentum, you can still seek out friends there by doing a search by name or e-mail. Each person there will have a profile page where you can view things about them and see what they have been up to. You can also request to add them to your friends' list.

Finding Your Friends

If you don't have success on those social networking sites, you can try either a professional networking site such as LinkedIn or a site that caters specifically to schoolmates such as Classmates.com.

Important to know

No matter which venue you choose, you may need to have basic information such as a last name or e-mail address. Keep in mind that female friends may have changed their name but many times you will still be able to find them if you go to the graduating class you attended and do a search there by first name.

Approaching Long-Lost Friends

Once you've found a friend you want to reunite with, you can send them a message through any of the venues listed as long as you have an account too.

Be sure to keep it casual and refresh their memory by stating where you know them from. This is especially good advice if it's been quite a few years since you have graduated. While you may remember them, chances are they may have forgotten your name or just need an idea of who you are.

Tip: Don't take this badly because it only means that it slipped out of their mind. They have not forgotten you.

Social networking sites indeed help us to find old friends and reunite with them again.

Friends over the years
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